#0879 [Session-Life] Brettspiel Loot vom 08.02. + 01.03.2019
Es kamen auch mal wieder 2 Brettspiele von Kickstarter bei uns an!
Overworld – 16-Bit Tile-Placement & Exploration Boardgame

A light & super portable 16-bit Boardgame for 1-4 players in 30-40 mins! Euro-inspired Tile-placement, Territory-control, & Exploration!
In every classic JRPG, the heroes encountered a mysterious stranger, who gave them a map to a dungeon, and stocked them with potions, keys, and other provisions. But how was the map drawn? How did the wise stranger learn of all these dire warnings? In Overworld, you are the hero’s mysterious mentor. All those years before you sent the hero to the underworld, you mapped the Overworld!
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Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay

Lead the brave heroes sent from the Wanderer’s Guild to discover and end the corruption taking place in Barnacle Bay!
Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay is the first game in the Wander series. A fully cooperative, campaign-driven, miniatures board game, Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay tells the story of 5 heroes from the Wanderer’s Guild, and their struggle to free the small fishing town of Barnacle Bay from the slimy claws of Elder Bane. Driven mad by power, and physically twisted from dark magic, Elder Bane has created a cult of mutated townsfolk that only desire to spread their message of madness to the rest of the world, bending it to their whim along the way.
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Ich bin schon sehr gespannt auf beide Spiele!
Beim ersten gibt’s die schöne Pixelgrafik <3
Beim anderen gibt es OTTER! Halloooo? <3

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